Wreak Havoc invites the viewer to take a different look at William Blake's poem "Auguries of Innocence" and feel like a modern artist, deconstructing a work of classical literature.

Interacrive installation
Metaxis festival, 2018

The viewer interacts with the phrases from the poem on the screen using their movements. The phrase responds to smooth ones with a soft deformation, and with sharp movements the viewer destroys the phrase, after which the next one in order appears on the screen. Thus, by interacting with WREAK HAVOC, the viewer gets a more personal experience of getting to know classical literature.

At a certain point, during the destruction of the next phrase, not the next one in order appears, but a random one. And the narrative continues from a new point. Due to the simple structure of the work itself, such jumps remain unnoticeable and the viewer continues reading from a new line - it turns out that reading can continue indefinitely.

WREAK HAVOC is based on the idea of ​​a close connection between creation and destruction. To create something completely new, you need to step over the established principles, but at the same time it is foolish to renounce the experience of your predecessors.


Year: 2019

Artist: Sasha Kojjio

Producer: Alisa Davydova

Metaxis festival

Curator: Anastasiia Skabёlkina

© Sasha Kojjio 2024